signature titel year Artist event
zotero2-2486551.RP52K7CC Portrait 2005-05-21
zotero2-2486551.XHS43C3E hairwash 2008-05-02
zotero2-2486551.XVX4ZIVP act-miniature 2004-05-29
zotero2-2486551.I6FBH5U5 Together and Apart - Leena Chauhan 2012-04-05
zotero2-2486551.75HFNC4S Moderation 2013-04-13
zotero2-2486551.FKNKG8S8 Blowing in the wind 2021
Emaresi, Bertrand
zotero2-2486551.SE3PFMSJ Cutting the Onions 2021
Hutomo, M. Haryo
zotero2-2486551.QSD38RKW NICHT FÜTTERN BITTE 2021
Collectif ???; Frachebourg, Claire; Morend, Rachel; Martin, Diana
zotero2-2486551.MTMXZP39 SHOOT ME #2 2021
Fournier, Aline
zotero2-2486551.TWPDXXR4 S’enterrer 2021
Barthelet, Inès
zotero2-2486551.EW5VRFDF Shoot Me 2021
Fournier, Aline
zotero2-2486551.3VAZKHJD Fulfilment 2019
Priede, Kristaps
zotero2-2486551.MZ6P73C3 Three Women 2021
Maayouf, Nourhan
zotero2-2486551.98GDR6UH Road Trip 2013-04-13
zotero2-2486551.D6VVV6T8 ACT Basel Präsentation 2019-03-18 20:52:16
zotero2-2486551.8WSIKBVT Ohne Titel 2015-04-11
zotero2-2486551.R39TJ689 Jeu d'enfant. Tirelire, monnaie. - Nathalie Stirnimann 2015-04-11
zotero2-2486551.K7KVND2G Space and Time - Öszan Saraç 2015-04-11
zotero2-2486551.RC3IKIE9 70 Trillion - Lou Sturm 2015-04-11
zotero2-2486551.B3IJF8I2 Say the names - Maya Minder 2015-04-11
zotero2-2486551.ZM7MF9RK Ein Polyamorie Manifest - Julie Bärz 2015-04-11
zotero2-2486551.4FXC6TGN Zeitplan 2018-08-20 08:55:43
zotero2-2486551.QZIZHMPV Unterstützungsantrag HGK FHNW 2006-01-03
zotero2-2486551.TN8HQWWQ Antrag ACT 2018-08-20 08:55:23
zotero2-2486551.RR5JJXQI Protokoll Vorbereitungstreffen 2009-11-10
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