
Collections of Swiss Performance Art

is a collaborative project. As a public collection, the HGK Basel FHNW media library makes this catalogue of the contents of its holdings freely available online. The responsibility for the content of the website lies with the respective owners of the copyrights. For questions regarding the content of the portal and the selection, please contact persons of the collections and/or the Media Library of the Academy of Art and Design Basel FHNW. Technical support is provided by the Media Library.

Concept & Realization

Media Library of the Academy of Art and Design FHNW | info-age GmbH

Editorial Team

Andrea Saemann, Sabine Gebhard-Fink, Tabea Lurk

Design, Visual Material, Collection Icons

Lena Eriksson

Implementation and System

Jürgen Enge, info-age GmbH


Academy of Art and Design Basel FHNW
Media Library
Freilager-Platz 1
4142 Münchenstein

Warranty and Liability Disclaimer

Content has been carefully checked and is continuously updated. We strive to provide accurate and complete information but assume no responsibility, guarantees, or liability for the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided through this website.
We reserve the right to change the information on this website at any time and without prior notice and do not commit to updating the information contained herein. All links to external systems, collections, and providers have been checked for accuracy at the time of inclusion. Nevertheless, we cannot be held responsible for the content and availability of websites accessible via hyperlinks. Providers of the respective pages to which reference has been made are solely liable for illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content and in particular for damages resulting from the use of content on linked pages. This applies regardless of whether the damage is direct, indirect, financial, or of any other nature, arising from data loss, downtime, or other reasons of any kind.
(c) 2024 Katalog für Sammlungen Performance Kunst Schweiz