| signature | titel | year | Artist | event |
bangbang-1419 | Water Walks | 2009 |
Rochat, Anne
Les Urbaines
bangbang-1422 | Carwash | 2014 |
Tun Tun, Melissa
Les Urbaines
bangbang-1415 | THE ROCK BAND | 2019 |
Carvalho, Liliana; Morshed, Mariam; Hatipoğlu, Zeynep Ayşe; Ka, Sandra; Schärer, Ines Marita
bangbang-1423 | Wrong Day | 2019 |
Garavaglia, Gabriele
Les Urbaines
bangbang-1410 | her harsh, high and deep voice: a polyphony | 2021 |
Dâmaso, Lara
Les Urbaines
bangbang-1411 | my love is a flower (just beginning to bloom) | 2021 |
Dâmaso, Lara
Tarrential Rain
bangbang-1529 | vanitas | 2019 |
Haschke, Denise
6ème Jours des éphémères
bangbang-1532 | Trying to disappear | 2018 |
Buckel, Milena
Les Quarts d'Heure
bangbang-1535 | Pom Pom Girls | 2011 |
Buckel, Milena; Murmann, Nicole; Rigamonti, Anna
bangbang-1527 | You said go slow | 2016 |
Buckel, Milena
Born in the eighties, exposition
bangbang-1531 | o.T. | 2013 |
Lipp, Dominik
1er Jours des éphémères
bangbang-1536 | Collar (Kragen) | 2013 |
Bucher, Claudia
BLV-ART 2013
bangbang-1528 | Blaue Stunde | 2015 |
Morgenstern, Heidi
3ème Jours des éphémères
bangbang-1526 | the growth | 2020 |
Pellegrinelli, Laura
Ausstellung "leave a word – hinterlasse ein Wort"
bangbang-1534 | Savez-vous planter les choux | 2011 |
Buckel, Milena [Collectif ComingOut]; Périsset, Corinne [Collectif ComingOut]
Hors-Lits IV
bangbang-1613 | The Gathering und Performances am Performance-Festival perFORM¡ 2021 | 2021 |
diverse, siehe bereits erfolgte Eingabe zu Performance-Festival perFORM
perFORM¡ Performance-Festival 2021 re:load
bangbang-1619 | Raumflucht in Berlin | 2015 |
Schaffer, Did
bangbang-1621 | « Dialog » Sinnliche Momente im Wechselspiel mit Macht und Ohnmacht | 2017 |
Schaffer, Did
bangbang-1618 | Spiral | 2011 |
Schaffer, Did
Performance Reihe Neu-Oerlikon
bangbang-1612 | We Object | 2021 |
Ketz, Leonie; Ivankovic, Sandra; Olah, Maya; Jarkovich, Sol Mila; Starcevic, Helga; Bertuchoz, Emma; Richardet, Tonja; Tavano, Lucia; Leite Walt, Samara; Roth, Simona
About Us!
bangbang-1616 | DARKNESS | 2019 |
Racanati, Sergio
bangbang-1617 | The Ray of Harald Zeemann | 2014 |
Canarezza, Rita; Coro, Pier Paolo
Roaming - Riposizionamenti
bangbang-1611 | Rote Bete Phase III | 2015 |
Program of the music venue/art gallery Elastic Arts
bangbang-1615 | Collaboration X (Collaborations I - VI) | 2018, 2019 |
Collaboration X
bangbang-1764 | The Absence of Work | 2012 |
Bajo, Elena
Liste 17 – Performance Project