| signature | titel | year | Artist | event |
bangbang-1314 | Documentation of a few works: Prom, Böse Wicht And His Böse Monsters, Horror of Me, Twilight Splendor. | 2021 |
Wicht, Philippe
bangbang-1313 | Without qualities | 2011 |
Brabant, Myriam; Fiedler, Heike; Haziza, Natal; Pérès, Claude; Salomo, Michel; Tate, Sharon; [Voin de Voin]; Young, Ann Liv
bangbang-1325 | work no. 295. a sequel | 2015 |
[Lea & Adrian]
bangbang-1324 | work no. 245. a hand | 2014 |
[Lea & Adrian]
bangbang-1921 | BANG BANG: The last european Happening | 2022 |
Andereggen, Ariane
BANG BANG - translokale Performance Geschichte:n
bangbang-1924 | BANG BANG: How can this performance [really] defeat capitalism ? | 2022 |
Roshier, Derren
BANG BANG - translokale Performance Geschichte:n
bangbang-1925 | -logy | 2011 |
Gageos, Vanessa
Noch Normal?
bangbang-1922 | BANG BANG: forced to the ground | 2022 |
Barth, Claudia; Barth, Trudi
BANG BANG - translokale Performance Geschichte:n.
bangbang-1926 | Screaming at Andy Warhol | 2020 |
Gageos, Vanessa
Silent Vision
bangbang-1931 | Reclaim The Streets! Die Rutsche auf dem Dorfplatz | 2017 |
Sidler, Celia; Sidler, Nathalie
Zur frohen Aussicht, Ausstellung im öffentlichen Raum
bangbang-1929 | Ein Versuch glücklich zu werden | 2011 |
Sidler, Celia; Sidler, Nathalie
Museumsnacht Basel
bangbang-1930 | For the common good | 2013 |
Sidler, Celia; Sidler, Nathalie
Les Urbaines
bangbang-1457 | Privacy-Free Zone (2016*) | 2016 |
Fieni, Matteo
Long Lake Festival, Lugano
bangbang-1500 | Tube (Schlauch) | 2012 |
Bucher, Claudia
bangbang-1496 | Can I walk like this? Strolling with self-imposed restrictions | 2021 |
Trampe, Tanja
bangbang-1498 | Maag Unikat | 2016 |
Maag, Irene
bangbang-1502 | the red cloth - das rote Tuch | 2018 |
Hochuli, Gisela
8th edition of KONTEKSTY (CONTEXTS) International Sokolovsko Festival of Ephemeral Art” Performance, Polen – 26th to 30th of July 2018
bangbang-1499 | Stabstreffen | 2016 |
Maag, Irene
Rahmenprogramm Performancepreis Schweiz 2016
bangbang-1497 | Under Construction | 2006 |
Maag, Irene
UND Karlsruhe (Kunstmesse)
bangbang-1504 | poulet roulet | 2018 |
Rosa, Tiziana; Preisig, Karin
The Gathering - performe the field
bangbang-1506 | Spring Exclamations ! | Fall | 2021 |
Akhmetzyanova, Polina; Stiefel, Axelle
24 Hours für Joseph Beuys
bangbang-1501 | Untitled | 2014 |
Stiefel, Axelle; Becker, Paul; Holder, Will
Performance Proletarians !!!
bangbang-1581 | Faune, faune, faune | 2019 |
Eidenbenz, Lucie
1000 Ecologies
bangbang-1591 | Mirror – Welcome India | 2018 |
Maag, Irene
Srinagar Biennale Basel, Episode 1
bangbang-1584 | MEGABITE | 2022 |
Vogel, Andrea
Gruppenausstellung im Tankkeller (ehemalige Apfelmosterei) https://tankkeller.ch/Kuenstler-innen