HItStories - Maïté Chénière & Anna Tje — Codes to keep burning (2021) Tje, Anna et al.
HitStories - Fatima Wegmann — Follow the white rabbit (2021) Wegmann, Fatima et al.
Resonanzschaft (2021) Bastianelli, Gianfranco et al.
HitStories - Diane Rivoire & Johana Blanc — JE/TU (NOUS) (2021) Rivoire, Diane et al.
HitStories - Juliette Gampert — Des algues pour racines (2021) Gampert, Juliette et al.
Freundeskreis (2014) Pfister, Nara et al.
KARABUKI (2008) Iselin, Joa [Porte Rouge] et al.
Marara Kelly Art Show: the most performative gesture I can make is to believe (2021) Yamada, Mayara et al.
her harsh high and deep voice - a polyphony (2021) Dâmaso, Lara; Rochat, Ysaline
L’Homme trolley-bus (2015) Marioni, Andrea et al.
La mesure harmonique: La dislocation du soi son (2015) Pillet, Guillaume et al.
Complete Body (2017) Feller, Tomislav [Contemporary Cruising] et al.
moving patterns III (2021) Boss, Raffaela et al.
Can’t say much about anything that’s new (2017) [PRICE] et al.
A trio for a household (2018) [SploachSploach] et al.
Konzertauftritt Act Bern 2007 (2007) [it sounds like rita] et al.
Futurespectives - Performing the Louise Guerra Archive (2018) Siegrist, Kathrin [Louise Guerra Archive] et al.