signature titel year Artista event
zotero2-2486551.P6QDW7UW Hot Hot Hot 2017-04-29
zotero2-1624911.22BPDRKD Im Atem der Simulation 2003
GABI; Wüsten, Franziska; Ganz, Haimo; Tan, Chen; Blum, Martin; Mathis, Muda; Spiess, Judith; Gmür, Martina; Rerat, Gabriele; Eriksson, Lena; Schmidhalter, Hagar
zotero2-2486551.ZC5DE865 Networking 2019
Krieger, Serafin
zotero2-2486551.KW2D48DN Radiat Endzeit 2019
Schulenrburg, Aurel
bangbang-1630 Stephane Querrec 2011
Querrec, Stephane
Liste - The Young Art Fair
bangbang-1942 BANG BANG: Kontextwaende (Lecture Performance) 2022
Hentz, Mike
BANG BANG - translokale Performance Geschichte:n
zotero2-2486551.UCEVR8BG The Construct: 0.00 the prologue 2019
Adel, Omar
bangbang-1234 Instant Gain in Grace 2005
Kulka, Irena
Zappy Birthday zum 150 Jahre Jubiläum der ETH
bangbang-1067 FWD>>No.11 - 2.International Performance Festival 2013
FWD>> No.11 - 2. International Performance Festival
bangbang-1822 "Legends of Time" Video Art Installation - Performance 2013
Levin, Vadim; Streiff, Ricardo; Sisfontes, Ekaterina; Gomes, Lucia; Lapteva, Xhenia; Guan, Sheng Sheng; Barrera, Diego; Streiff, Barbara
"Legends of Time" - Video Art Installation - Performance
zotero2-2486551.E34TZQSZ Who‘s afraid of R, G and B? 2019
Cantor Miranda, Joaquim; Mehler, Jasper
bangbang-0996 Infinit 2017
Morger, Martina; Widmer, Wassili
zotero2-1624911.TN2CUVDC BB (Brigitte Bardot) 2001
Eriksson, Lena
zotero2-1624911.PPR359W8 Ring Ring 2004
Grau, Pascale; Huber, Judith
zotero2-2317722.S2TBD4C8 PPP. Progr Performance Plattform 2018
zotero2-2571213.GFQ7JF98 Interview von Margarit von Büren und Pascale Grau mit Boris Nieslony über das Performance-Archiv, 17.8.2010 17.08.2010
zotero2-2486551.W4S3TSMG Perf. N° 004/2019 piece for Performer and his clothes /2 2019
Šterns, Ilmārs
zotero2-2608904.9J4UN6TZ Together Elsewhere 02: Anette Friedrich Johannessen und Judith Huber 08-05-2021
Friedrich Johannessen, Anette; Huber, Judith
zotero2-2486551.HCAIVMNG Please Keep Your Distance 2019
Ki, Yelim; Baylac, Lorraine; Forgacs, Eszter Dora; Torne, Maelle
zotero2-2486551.T3K4U3ZZ Forme Mich 2019
von Schulthess, Bianca
bangbang-0061 Mansgoegle 2018
Magos, Gabriel
Kunst Szene Zürich 2018
zotero2-1624911.KSMJXAEX Endorphine 1999
Grau, Pascale
zotero2-1624911.E5VHB9WG Haus S(a)egen. Eine theatralische Einrichtung 1995
Grau, Pascale
bangbang-1629 Matthew Lutz Kinoy 2011
Lutz-Kinoy, Matthew
Liste - The Young Art Fair
zotero2-2486551.F6J9AI4X farewell - live performance with virtual background 2020-05-13
Mihajlovic, Milena
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