| signature | titel | year | Artista | event |
bangbang-1412 | Es hat ihn nicht gegeben, den Garten, solange ich ihn nicht gesehen habe | 2021 |
Schärer, Ines Marita
bangbang-1409 | message salon, Perla-Mode-Album | 2006-2013 |
Eppstein, Esther
bangbang-1406 | message salon Ankerstrasse 6 | 1996, 1997 |
Eppstein, Esther
bangbang-1410 | her harsh, high and deep voice: a polyphony | 2021 |
Dâmaso, Lara
Les Urbaines
bangbang-1401 | En aimant ton chat, je passe outre ma culture. Walkie-Talkie | 2017 |
Furtwängler, Gilles
Form Concrete to Liquid
bangbang-1402 | Performance | 2017 |
Ruffieux, Marie-Luce
Form Concrete to Liquid
bangbang-1411 | my love is a flower (just beginning to bloom) | 2021 |
Dâmaso, Lara
Tarrential Rain
bangbang-1449 | Begegnung mit dem Verschwinden | 2021 |
Singeisen, Caroline
bangbang-1445 | FIRE OF EMOTIONS : THE ABYSS | 2017 |
[pamina de coulon]
bangbang-1443 | Si j'apprends à pêcher je mangerai toute ma vie | 2011 |
[pamina de coulon]
Who is Afraid of performance Art - Points d'impact
bangbang-1451 | Wellenberge | 2016 |
Bänninger, Christine
bangbang-1447 | Good Morning Babylon | 2010 |
Fadhil, Al
bangbang-1453 | Permit F | 2008 |
Fadhil, Al
Shifting Identities
bangbang-1444 | FIRE OF EMOTIONS : QUITTER LA TERRE | 2017 |
[pamina de coulon]
PPP ProgrPerformancePlattform
bangbang-1446 | Utopia Nations (Checkpoint) | 2008 |
Fadhil, Al
Seek Refuge
bangbang-1454 | feed back and forth | 1991 |
Austen, Yvonne; Dietrich, Guido; Heimbecker, Steven; Hudson, Mark; Kerr, Colleen; Lenzlinger, Jörg; Linsi, Roshan; Mcleod, Scott; Poier, Grant; Poitras, Robin; Schick, Cat; Sidler, Patrick; Stake, Chuck; m.vänçi stirnemann; Zapata, Victoria
bangbang-1510 | sing think | 2009-2012 |
Schürch, Dorothea
bangbang-1500 | Tube (Schlauch) | 2012 |
Bucher, Claudia
bangbang-1509 | Mon coeur | 2021 |
Séra, Hanga
Treffpunkt Kunst
bangbang-1502 | the red cloth - das rote Tuch | 2018 |
Hochuli, Gisela
8th edition of KONTEKSTY (CONTEXTS) International Sokolovsko Festival of Ephemeral Art” Performance, Polen – 26th to 30th of July 2018
bangbang-1504 | poulet roulet | 2018 |
Rosa, Tiziana; Preisig, Karin
The Gathering - performe the field
bangbang-1508 | The Convertible Entrance Ticket | 2006 |
Jacomella Bonola, Patricia
Il Museo Insostenibile
bangbang-1507 | Fashion Show | 2018 |
Jacomella Bonola, Patricia
bangbang-1506 | Spring Exclamations ! | Fall | 2021 |
Akhmetzyanova, Polina; Stiefel, Axelle
24 Hours für Joseph Beuys
bangbang-1501 | Untitled | 2014 |
Stiefel, Axelle; Becker, Paul; Holder, Will
Performance Proletarians !!!