signature titel year Artiste event
zotero2-2317722.TT633UUL Begrüssung: Valerian Maly (Republique Geniale), Pascale Grau (Performative Archive) 01.11.2018
zotero2-2317722.7SL66EHC Archives of the Ephemeral. Thinking, Practicing, Interconneting, Continuing 2019
zotero2-2317722.ZELKTPG6 Plakatwand Wilde Archive 01.11.-03.11.2018
zotero2-2317722.FVBGZBGJ ACT Luzern 2018
zotero2-2317722.5DGJNZVW Enduring Liveness. Towards building Networks of Care 02.11.2018
zotero2-2317722.6VKVX4PL Die täglichen Übungen des Kollektivs DARTS (disappearing artists) 02.1.2018
Grimm, Claudia
zotero2-2317722.FAXAJY4C Diagraming Practice: a Workshop exploring Archives and their Relationship to Databases 02.11.2018
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