| Signatur | Titel | Jahr | KünstlerIn | Event |
bangbang-1427 | her harsh high and deep voice - a polyphony | 2021 |
Dâmaso, Lara
Les Urbaines
bangbang-1490 | sofort hot now | 2007 |
[it sounds like rita]
bangbang-1578 | Scalable Skeletal Escalator (open rehearsal) | 2020 |
Lewis, Isabel [The Field]; Collaborators
Zurich Art Weekend
bangbang-1575 | Post-Show Talk | 2019 |
[The Field]
bangbang-1397 | 33 Miniaturen | 2013 |
Künzler, Astrid
Kirche kreativ
bangbang-1527 | You said go slow | 2016 |
Buckel, Milena
Born in the eighties, exposition