accel./cresc. (2018) Föcker, Asi et al.
Standbilder (1999) Glinz, Gabi et al.
Direktübertragung (2001) Glinz, Gabi et al.
Das Exchange Programm (2015) Geröcs, Julia et al.
Lara (Kakologie Teil II.) (2014) Geröcs, Julia et al.
Protest (2019) Geröcs, Julia et al.
Various Works Documented from the Collaboration between Sarah Bernauer and Garrett Nelson Performance Lectures (2012-2016) Bernauer, Sarah et al.
Ohne Worte (2015) Maag, Irene et al.
tableau vivant (2001) Wirth, Ursi et al.
'hands' (1998, 2000) Wirth, Ursi et al.
Künstlerische Arbeitsweisen (2011) Schwarz, Nadine et al.
Frank goes Schwere Reiter (2011) Schwarz, Nadine et al.
Stockfisch (1998) Bottini, Max et al.
Alpina Huus, House of Deep Transformation in 11 Acts (2015) Lammer, Elise et al.
Six histoires de chevaux (2017) [Chuglu Collectif] et al.
Semaine d’actions Rond Point du Prado (2016) [Chuglu Collectif]
Une Histoire d'Amour (2009) Rosset, Anne et al.
Race the MaasTunel (2019) [Chuglu Collectif] et al.
Myrtilles (2019) [Chuglu Collectif] et al.
Video-Performance «Controlled meditation» (2010) Hansemann, Svetlana et al.
Porte Rouge zeigt Karabuki (2018) Iselin, Joa [Porte Rouge] et al.
LEGS Zürich Performance-Stafette (2016) Rust, Dorothea et al.
does it give you the shivers? (2019) Obertüfer, Vera [Kollektiv Evas Eier] et al.
33 Miniaturen (2013) Künzler, Astrid et al.
commedia del arte (1992) Borter, Ingrid et al.