Punkt für Punkt zur Stadt hinaus (2014) Lampert, Pascal
Aktion in der Büvetta, Nairs (2002) Lampert, Pascal
HAEIOU (2011) Lampert, Pascal
punct (2017) Lampert, Pascal
Protest (2019) Geröcs, Julia et al.
Der Kunstrundgang (2007-2010) Hofer, Susanne et al.
Duo Krak (Performances) (ab 1991) Schenker, Margrit et al.
Como un río. No puedes dividirlo. (2016) Geröcs, Julia et al.
Wie kommt man zur Kunst (2017) Geröcs, Julia et al.
Barbarita, Brother and Dou (2009) Simmen, Rolf et al.
Künstlerische Arbeitsweisen (2011) Schwarz, Nadine et al.
Frank goes Schwere Reiter (2011) Schwarz, Nadine et al.
Nacht im Wald (2007) Engel, Marianne et al.
Collage (2014) Strüver, Hina et al.
Das Exchange Programm (2015) Geröcs, Julia et al.
m.a.d. - about you (2021) Reding, Valerie et al.
Lara (Kakologie Teil II.) (2014) Geröcs, Julia et al.
Various Works Documented from the Collaboration between Sarah Bernauer and Garrett Nelson Performance Lectures (2012-2016) Bernauer, Sarah et al.
DOING HER - the slur edition (2021) Reding, Valerie et al.
why don't you do right (2019) Reding, Valerie et al.
Ohne Worte (2015) Maag, Irene et al.
tableau vivant (2001) Wirth, Ursi et al.
'hands' (1998, 2000) Wirth, Ursi et al.
KNOW THYSELF .. but not too much (2016) Reding, Valerie et al.
B.O.M.B.E.D. - Bursting Our Memories By Enchanting Desires (2016) Reding, Valerie et al.